## Better histograms
gh <- function(bins = 10) {
geom_histogram(color = 'black', fill = 'gray80', bins = bins)
This lab is oriented around the use of the aov()
function in R to fit an analysis of variance model.
The first ANOVA we will consider is that which compares equality of
means across several groups. To begin, we’ll consider the
dataset that was introduced in class
dogs <- read.csv("")
From this dataset, we find that we have one quantitative variable (speed), along with three categorical variables for breed, size, and color. We can quickly get a summary of these categories with the table function
with(dogs, table(color))
## color
## black brown white yellow
## 200 50 50 100
Here, we see that the color variable has 4 categories with 400
observations. To conduct an ANOVA, we will use the same formula syntax
that was used for the two sample t-test, with our quantitative variable
on the left hand side and the categories on the right. We’ll do this
using aov()
aov(speed ~ color, dogs)
## Call:
## aov(formula = speed ~ color, data = dogs)
## Terms:
## color Residuals
## Sum of Squares 1652 50746
## Deg. of Freedom 3 396
## Residual standard error: 11.32
## Estimated effects may be unbalanced
The basic output of this function only gives us limited information
related to the sums of squares and degrees of freedom. We can recreate
the tables we saw in lecture by passing the output of aov()
into a summary()
function, either with a pipe
) or by assigning the output to a new variable and
calling summary on it
## Method 1
# model <- aov(speed ~ color, dogs)
# summary(model)
## Method 2
aov(speed ~ color, dogs) %>% summary()
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## color 3 1652 551 4.3 0.0053 **
## Residuals 396 50746 128
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Here, we now get the mean sums of squares for our groups and residuals, along with an F statistic and an associated p-value. In particular, we know that this statistic follows an F distribution with \(F(3, 396)\) degrees of freedom. The \(p\)-value would be the area under the curve to the right of the red line below:
Question 1: Using the dogs
recreate a boxplot showing the speeds of each dog, separated by color.
Based on this plot, does it appear as if there is a statistically
significant (\(\alpha = 0.05\))
difference in group means? Compare your conclusion with the ANOVA output
done above. Explain what might be causing you to reject the null
hypothesis in this case.
Question 2: The data for this question involves sandwiches and ants. An experiment was conducted in which sandwiches were made with various combinations of filling and bread, both with and without butter added. A piece of the sandwich was ripped off and left near an ant hill for several minutes, at which point a jar was placed over the sandwich and the number of ants surrounding it were counted.
sandwich <- read.csv("")
Suppose that you wanted to choose one variable to predict how many ants will be attracted to a sandwich. Which do you think would best accomplish this goal? Justify your answer with a plot and a statistical test.
As noted previously, ANOVA is specifically concerned with testing the null hypothesis of equality between means for multiple groups,
\[ H_0: \mu_1 = \mu_2 = \dots = \mu_k \] Should we perform an ANOVA and reject our null hypothesis, we only know that at least two of our group means are different. Post-hoc pairwise testing (Latin for “after this” or “after the fact”) can be done to determine which of our pairwise differences are likely responsible.
Consider again our dog dataset in which we wish to test for equality
in average speed between different colored dogs. This is done simply
with the aov()
## This will assign the results to a variable called model
model <- aov(speed ~ color, dogs)
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## color 3 1652 551 4.3 0.0053 **
## Residuals 396 50746 128
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Here, we see information on the squared error from the grouping and our residuals, along with an F-statistic and a p-value. If we were testing at the \(\alpha = 0.05\) level, we would reject this test as \(p-val = 0.0053\).
To determine which pairwise colors had a difference, we can use the
function (Tukey honest statistical difference)
on the model
object we created above:
## Pass in output from aov() function
comp <- TukeyHSD(model)
## Tukey multiple comparisons of means
## 95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = speed ~ color, data = dogs)
## $color
## diff lwr upr p adj
## brown-black 1.9612 -2.65664 6.57906 0.69237
## white-black 4.2360 -0.38182 8.85388 0.08529
## yellow-black -2.3968 -5.97373 1.18021 0.31012
## white-brown 2.2748 -3.56635 8.11599 0.74672
## yellow-brown -4.3580 -9.41657 0.70063 0.11889
## yellow-white -6.6328 -11.69139 -1.57418 0.00437
There are a few things to note here:
function by passing in an
argument for conf.level
From this output, we see the only statistically significant difference in between yellow and white.
Finally, we can plot the output from the TukeyHSD()
function with a call to the base R function plot()
## Pass in output from TukeyHSD() function
Note here again, the only confidence interval that does not contain 0 (our null hypothesis for pairwise tests) is that between yellow and white, consistent with the output we observed above.
Question 3: An individual’s “critical clicker frequency” is the highest frequency at which a flickering light source can actually be detected to be flickering; at frequencies above this rate, the light source will appear continuous. (An example of this can be seen here)
The data below come from a study titled “The effect of iris color on critical flicker frequency” published in the Journal of General Psychology, recording the critical clicker frequency and iris color for \(n = 19\) subjects
flicker <- read.delim('')
function to
analyze this data and print a summary using summary()