Data Collection (40 pts)

Here I am basically assessing – did you go out and collect data? Everybody should get all of these points

Correct use of statistical tests and plots (40 pts)

Did you use the correct statistical tests for the data you have? Are the plots the correct type? Are you using the correct language to describe the outcome of the tests (i.e., do not say we accept the null hypothesis)?

Format and Style (20 pts)

This document is intended to replicate a professional submission. Although we have not practiced this much in class, it is an important skill to have if you ever wish to have your work taken seriously. About half of the points in this section are related to not doing things (i.e., do not let warning or messages print out in your pdf, do not show me the output of head(mydata), etc.,). I won’t lose my mind over one or two typos, but it should be clear that some effort was put into presentation.