This lab focuses on manipulating, cleaning, and preparing data for visualization (and other analyses) using packages from the tidyverse suite.

Directions (Please read before starting)

  1. Please work together with your assigned partner. Make sure you both fully understand each concept before you move on.
  2. Please record your answers and any related code for all embedded lab questions. I encourage you to try out the embedded examples, but you shouldn’t turn them in.
  3. Please ask for help, clarification, or even just a check-in if anything seems unclear.



Packages and Datasets

This lab will primarily use the `dplyr package, which is used for “data wrangling”, or the process of cleaning, restructuring, and enriching a data set to make it more usable.

# Please install and load the following packages
# install.packages("dplyr")

The lab will use several data sets:

colleges <- read.csv("")
  • Description: The colleges data set records attributes and outcomes for all primarily undergraduate institutions in the United States with at least 400 full-time students for the year 2019.
bluechips <- read.csv("")
  • Description: Closing prices on the first trading day of the year from 2010 to 2021 for four stocks that The Motley Fool calls “blue chip” investments.

Workflow and Piping

As a data scientist, you should strive to write code that is:

  1. Legible - a peer could easily determine what each line is doing
  2. Efficient - it avoids redundant, unnecessary, or computationally burdensome steps
  3. Documented - comments and formatting are used to clearly explain every important step

Below is an example that is written in “base R” (that is, without any external packages), that begins by taking the bluechips data and creating a new data frame containing the average of each of the four stock prices for each year for the years 2013, 2017, and 2021.

## Base R example
tmp1 <- subset(bluechips, Year %in% c(2013, 2017, 2021))
tmp2 <- data.frame(Year = tmp1$Year, Avg = (tmp1$AAPL + tmp1$KO + tmp1$JNJ + tmp1$AXP)/4)
##   Year       Avg
## 1 2013  46.69955
## 2 2017  65.50687
## 3 2021 114.17750
  • Line 1 creates a new data frame that is only used in the next step (efficiency issue)
  • Line 2 is doing multiple things at once without documentation (legibility and documentation issues)

We can greatly streamline our workflow in this example using a method known as piping (%>%), which we can think of as a programming statement that is saying, “and then”, along with a number of action/verb oriented functions that self-describe what they are doing

## Good example
bluechips %>% 
  filter(Year %in% c(2013, 2017, 2021)) %>%    # Subset to include the target years
  mutate(Avg = (AAPL + KO + JNJ + AXP)/4) %>%  # Calculate average
  select(Year, Avg)                            # Drop everything but year and average
##   Year       Avg
## 1 2013  46.69955
## 2 2017  65.50687
## 3 2021 114.17750

The %>% symbol will “pipe” the output of a preceding function into the first argument of the subsequent function (usually as the “data” argument).

Below is a description of each line within the piping example given above:

  1. The data frame bluechips is piped forward (into the filter() function on the next line)
  2. filter() subsets the data it receives to include only the target years and the resulting subset is piped forward (into the mutate() function on the next line)
  3. mutate() adds a new column called “Avg” to the data frame it received, and the resulting data frame is piped forward (into the select() function on the next line)
  4. select() function drops all variables other than “Year” and “Avg”

Because the output of this pipeline is not stored as an object, the final data frame is simply printed. If we planned on using data frame prepared by this pipeline in a future data visualization or model, we’d want to store it as its own object:

## Storing the manipulated data set
new_bluechips <- bluechips %>% 
                   filter(Year %in% c(2013, 2017, 2021)) %>%    # Include only target years
                   mutate(Avg = (AAPL + KO + JNJ + AXP)/4) %>%  # Calculate average
                   select(Year, Avg)                            # Drop extra vars

Note: all functions in the tidyverse suite of packages are compatible with the %>% operator, so we can including pivoting steps in a pipeline.



At this point you will begin working with your partner. Please read through the text/examples and make sure you both understand before attempting to answer the embedded questions.


Overview of Data Manipulation

The dplyr package contains a suite of functions designed to make data manipulation easier. The package’s core functions can be viewed as verbs:

Verb/Function Meaning
filter pick specific observations (i.e. specific rows)
arrange reorder the rows
select pick variables by their names (i.e. specific columns)
mutate add new derived columns to a data frame
summarize aggregate many rows into a summary measure

Importantly, these functions can be strung together using piping. But first, let’s see a few examples of how they work individually.



The filter() function is nearly identical to the subset() function from base R. The only difference is that you can provide multiple logical conditions as separate arguments with commas (rather than building a single condition using &). You should also be aware of it because of its compatibility with piping.


colleges %>% filter(State == "IA", ACT_median > 25)
##                 Name         City State Enrollment Private Region Adm_Rate
## 1    Cornell College Mount Vernon    IA       1022 Private Plains   0.6102
## 2   Drake University   Des Moines    IA       2952 Private Plains   0.6766
## 3   Grinnell College     Grinnell    IA       1683 Private Plains   0.2438
## 4     Luther College      Decorah    IA       1974 Private Plains   0.6257
## 5 University of Iowa    Iowa City    IA      23410  Public Plains   0.8267
##   ACT_median ACT_Q1 ACT_Q3  Cost Net_Tuition Avg_Fac_Salary PercentFemale
## 1         27     23     23 55817       16457          68832     0.4674157
## 2         27     24     24 53507       21160          85563     0.6097561
## 3         32     30     30 65814       20369         101979     0.5348837
## 4         26     23     23 54045       16779          67833     0.5242718
## 5         26     23     23 22607       14547          91440     0.5623043
##   PercentWhite PercentBlack PercentHispanic PercentAsian FourYearComp_Males
## 1       0.8856       0.0456          0.0595       0.0209          0.6776860
## 2       0.9025       0.0370          0.0407       0.0250          0.6641791
## 3       0.7933       0.0971          0.0841       0.0400          0.7413793
## 4       0.9335       0.0223          0.0282       0.0172          0.6457399
## 5       0.9158       0.0303          0.0377       0.0224          0.6086310
##   FourYearComp_Females Debt_median Salary10yr_median
## 1            0.7310345       22130             43000
## 2            0.7139175       19197             58300
## 3            0.8372093       15000             49100
## 4            0.7553191       25250             47400
## 5            0.6572554       16173             51900



The arange() function sorts the rows of your data by one or more numeric variables:

colleges %>% 
  filter(State == "IA" & ACT_median > 25) %>%
##                 Name         City State Enrollment Private Region Adm_Rate
## 1     Luther College      Decorah    IA       1974 Private Plains   0.6257
## 2 University of Iowa    Iowa City    IA      23410  Public Plains   0.8267
## 3    Cornell College Mount Vernon    IA       1022 Private Plains   0.6102
## 4   Drake University   Des Moines    IA       2952 Private Plains   0.6766
## 5   Grinnell College     Grinnell    IA       1683 Private Plains   0.2438
##   ACT_median ACT_Q1 ACT_Q3  Cost Net_Tuition Avg_Fac_Salary PercentFemale
## 1         26     23     23 54045       16779          67833     0.5242718
## 2         26     23     23 22607       14547          91440     0.5623043
## 3         27     23     23 55817       16457          68832     0.4674157
## 4         27     24     24 53507       21160          85563     0.6097561
## 5         32     30     30 65814       20369         101979     0.5348837
##   PercentWhite PercentBlack PercentHispanic PercentAsian FourYearComp_Males
## 1       0.9335       0.0223          0.0282       0.0172          0.6457399
## 2       0.9158       0.0303          0.0377       0.0224          0.6086310
## 3       0.8856       0.0456          0.0595       0.0209          0.6776860
## 4       0.9025       0.0370          0.0407       0.0250          0.6641791
## 5       0.7933       0.0971          0.0841       0.0400          0.7413793
##   FourYearComp_Females Debt_median Salary10yr_median
## 1            0.7553191       25250             47400
## 2            0.6572554       16173             51900
## 3            0.7310345       22130             43000
## 4            0.7139175       19197             58300
## 5            0.8372093       15000             49100

When sorting by multiple variables, the one listed first will be given priority. Additionally, values can be arranged in descending order via the desc() function:

IA_selective <- colleges %>% 
  filter(State == "IA" & ACT_median > 25) %>%
  arrange(ACT_median, desc(Adm_Rate))
##                 Name         City State Enrollment Private Region Adm_Rate
## 1 University of Iowa    Iowa City    IA      23410  Public Plains   0.8267
## 2     Luther College      Decorah    IA       1974 Private Plains   0.6257
## 3   Drake University   Des Moines    IA       2952 Private Plains   0.6766
## 4    Cornell College Mount Vernon    IA       1022 Private Plains   0.6102
## 5   Grinnell College     Grinnell    IA       1683 Private Plains   0.2438
##   ACT_median ACT_Q1 ACT_Q3  Cost Net_Tuition Avg_Fac_Salary PercentFemale
## 1         26     23     23 22607       14547          91440     0.5623043
## 2         26     23     23 54045       16779          67833     0.5242718
## 3         27     24     24 53507       21160          85563     0.6097561
## 4         27     23     23 55817       16457          68832     0.4674157
## 5         32     30     30 65814       20369         101979     0.5348837
##   PercentWhite PercentBlack PercentHispanic PercentAsian FourYearComp_Males
## 1       0.9158       0.0303          0.0377       0.0224          0.6086310
## 2       0.9335       0.0223          0.0282       0.0172          0.6457399
## 3       0.9025       0.0370          0.0407       0.0250          0.6641791
## 4       0.8856       0.0456          0.0595       0.0209          0.6776860
## 5       0.7933       0.0971          0.0841       0.0400          0.7413793
##   FourYearComp_Females Debt_median Salary10yr_median
## 1            0.6572554       16173             51900
## 2            0.7553191       25250             47400
## 3            0.7139175       19197             58300
## 4            0.7310345       22130             43000
## 5            0.8372093       15000             49100
## Illustration of ordering priority, uncomment to run
# df <- data.frame(x = c(1,2,1,2,1,2), 
#                  y = rep(c("b", "a"), each = 3), 
#                  z = 1:6)
# df %>% arrange(x)
# df %>% arrange(x, y)
# df %>% arrange(x, y, desc(z))

Question #1: Filter the colleges data to include only private colleges in the Mid East and New England regions. Then sort these schools according to the variable “PercentFemale” such that the school with the largest share of female students appears at the top of the list.



The select() function is used to reduce the number of variables in a data set:

IA_selective <- colleges %>% 
  filter(State == "IA" & ACT_median > 25) %>%
  select(Name, ACT_median, Cost, Net_Tuition)
##                 Name ACT_median  Cost Net_Tuition
## 1    Cornell College         27 55817       16457
## 2   Drake University         27 53507       21160
## 3   Grinnell College         32 65814       20369
## 4     Luther College         26 54045       16779
## 5 University of Iowa         26 22607       14547

Sometimes you’ll want to keep most of your variables, dropping only a few that are no longer necessary. To drop a variable using select(), you can place a - character in front of its name:

IA_selective <- colleges %>% 
  filter(State == "IA" & ACT_median > 25) %>%
  select(-State, -City) # Remove State and City
##                 Name Enrollment Private Region Adm_Rate ACT_median ACT_Q1
## 1    Cornell College       1022 Private Plains   0.6102         27     23
## 2   Drake University       2952 Private Plains   0.6766         27     24
## 3   Grinnell College       1683 Private Plains   0.2438         32     30
## 4     Luther College       1974 Private Plains   0.6257         26     23
## 5 University of Iowa      23410  Public Plains   0.8267         26     23
##   ACT_Q3  Cost Net_Tuition Avg_Fac_Salary PercentFemale PercentWhite
## 1     23 55817       16457          68832     0.4674157       0.8856
## 2     24 53507       21160          85563     0.6097561       0.9025
## 3     30 65814       20369         101979     0.5348837       0.7933
## 4     23 54045       16779          67833     0.5242718       0.9335
## 5     23 22607       14547          91440     0.5623043       0.9158
##   PercentBlack PercentHispanic PercentAsian FourYearComp_Males
## 1       0.0456          0.0595       0.0209          0.6776860
## 2       0.0370          0.0407       0.0250          0.6641791
## 3       0.0971          0.0841       0.0400          0.7413793
## 4       0.0223          0.0282       0.0172          0.6457399
## 5       0.0303          0.0377       0.0224          0.6086310
##   FourYearComp_Females Debt_median Salary10yr_median
## 1            0.7310345       22130             43000
## 2            0.7139175       19197             58300
## 3            0.8372093       15000             49100
## 4            0.7553191       25250             47400
## 5            0.6572554       16173             51900



The mutate() function is used to add a new column to your data that is a function of one or more existing variables:

IA_selective <- colleges %>% 
  filter(State == "IA" & ACT_median > 25) %>%
  mutate(Expected_Discount = (Cost - Net_Tuition)/Cost) %>%
  select(Name, Cost, Net_Tuition, Expected_Discount)
##                 Name  Cost Net_Tuition Expected_Discount
## 1    Cornell College 55817       16457         0.7051615
## 2   Drake University 53507       21160         0.6045377
## 3   Grinnell College 65814       20369         0.6905066
## 4     Luther College 54045       16779         0.6895365
## 5 University of Iowa 22607       14547         0.3565267

In the example shown above we add a new variable, “Expected_Discount”, that is a function of “Cost” and “New_Tuition”.

Question #2: Using the entire colleges data set, create a new data frame containing only “Name”, “State”, and a new variable named “Debt_Cost_Ratio” that describes each college’s “Debt_median” relative to its expected cumulative cost of attendance (as a ratio) under the assumption that a student enrolls for 4 years and “Cost” increases by 3% each year. Print this new data frame as part of your answer. Hint: In year 1 the cumulative cost for a student is Cost, in year 2 the cumulative cost is Cost + 1.03*Cost, etc.,.



The summarize() (or summarise()) function will calculate summary statistics that require an aggregation of rows. For example:

colleges %>% 
  filter(State == "IA") %>%
  summarize(Median_Cost = median(Cost))
##   Median_Cost
## 1       43520

Without group-wise manipulation (explained in the next section), summarize() is most useful for generating a customized set of summary measures:

colleges %>% 
  filter(State == "IA") %>%
  summarize(Min_Cost = min(Cost),
            TenPer_Cost = quantile(Cost, 0.1),     ## 10th percentile
            Median_Cost = median(Cost),
            NinetyPer_Cost = quantile(Cost, 0.9),  ## 90th percentile
            Max_Cost = max(Cost))
##   Min_Cost TenPer_Cost Median_Cost NinetyPer_Cost Max_Cost
## 1    20476     22368.2       43520        54256.2    65814

Question #3: Using the summarize() function, report the interquartile range (IQR) and standard deviation of the variable “Debt_Cost_Ratio” that you created in Question #2. Hint: recall that the IQR is calculated as the 75th percentile minus the 25th percentile.


Groupwise Manipulation

Frequently, we’d like to manipulate data separately within certain groups. For example, you might want separate numeric summaries describing the colleges in different states, or maybe even for the private and public schools within each of those different states.

Groupwise manipulations require two steps:

  1. First, the group_by() function is used to create an internal tag defining the desired groupings.
  2. Next, the tagged data are passed into any of the aforementioned dplyr functions (usually summarize() or mutate()), and those functions are executed separately on each group.

Shown below are a few examples.

In Example #1, we find the median cost for colleges within each state located in the “Plains” region:

## Example #1
colleges %>% 
  filter(Region == "Plains") %>%
  group_by(State) %>%
  summarize(Median_Cost = median(Cost, na.rm = TRUE))
## # A tibble: 7 × 2
##   State Median_Cost
##   <chr>       <dbl>
## 1 IA         43520 
## 2 KS         38832 
## 3 MN         35887 
## 4 MO         30279 
## 5 ND         19299 
## 6 NE         29258.
## 7 SD         22609

In Example #2, we find each state’s median cost separately for private and public colleges located in Iowa, Minnesota, or Missouri. We also introduce the n() function that, when used with grouped data, will report the total number of observations in each group. Here, we use it to record “N”, the number of colleges belonging to each group reported in the summary.,

We also use n() to count the number of colleges, recorded as “N”, belonging to each group reported in the summary.

## Example #2
colleges %>% 
  filter(State == "IA" | State == "MN" | State == "MO") %>%
  group_by(State, Private) %>% 
  summarize(Median_Cost = median(Cost, na.rm = TRUE),
            N = n())
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## # Groups:   State [3]
##   State Private Median_Cost     N
##   <chr> <chr>         <dbl> <int>
## 1 IA    Private      44206     25
## 2 IA    Public       21295      4
## 3 MN    Private      48860     24
## 4 MN    Public       21416     12
## 5 MO    Private      37788.    32
## 6 MO    Public       19346     13

In Example #3, we find how much each state (either IA or MN) deviates from the average cost of all colleges within the same state.

## Example #3
colleges %>% 
  filter(State == "IA" | State == "MN" ) %>%
  group_by(State) %>%
  mutate(Cost_Avg = mean(Cost, na.rm = TRUE),
         Cost_vs_Avg = Cost - mean(Cost, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  select(Name, State, Cost, Cost_Avg, Cost_vs_Avg)
## # A tibble: 65 × 5
## # Groups:   State [2]
##    Name                     State  Cost Cost_Avg Cost_vs_Avg
##    <chr>                    <chr> <int>    <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 Augsburg University      MN    51251   37714.      13537.
##  2 Bemidji State University MN    20379   37714.     -17335.
##  3 Bethany Lutheran College MN    36961   37714.       -753.
##  4 Bethel University        MN    50325   37714.      12611.
##  5 Briar Cliff University   IA    42423   41987.        436.
##  6 Buena Vista University   IA    45332   41987.       3345.
##  7 Capella University       MN    20152   37714.     -17562.
##  8 Carleton College         MN    68835   37714.      31121.
##  9 Central College          IA    50547   41987.       8560.
## 10 Clarke University        IA    44891   41987.       2904.
## # ℹ 55 more rows
# colleges %>% 
#   filter(State == "IA" | State == "MN" ) %>%
#   group_by(State) %>%
#   mutate(Cost_Avg = mean(Cost, na.rm = TRUE),
#          Cost_vs_Avg = Cost - Cost_Avg) %>% # We can also use other variables defined in mutate
#   select(Name, State, Cost, Cost_Avg, Cost_vs_Avg)

Notice how summarize() returns an object with 1 row per group, while mutate() returns an object with 1 row per observation.



Intensive care units, or ICUs, are primary spaces in hospitals that are reserved for patients in critical condition. The data below is a random sample of n = 200 ICU patients from a research hospital affiliated with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).

icu <- read.csv("")

The data dictionary below documents each variable that was recorded:

  • ID - Patient ID number
  • Status - Patient status: 0=lived or 1=died
  • Age - Patient’s age (in years)
  • Sex - 0=male or 1=female
  • Race - Patient’s race: 1=white, 2=black, or 3=other
  • Service - Type of service: 0=medical or 1=surgical
  • Cancer - Is cancer involved? 0=no or 1=yes
  • Renal - Is chronic renal failure involved? 0=no or 1=yes
  • Infection - Is infection involved? 0=no or 1=yes
  • CPR - Patient received CPR prior to admission? 0=no or 1=yes
  • Systolic - Systolic blood pressure (in mm of Hg)
  • HeartRate - Pulse rate (beats per minute)
  • Previous - Previous admission to ICU within 6 months? 0=no or 1=yes
  • Type - Admission type: 0=elective or 1=emergency
  • Fracture - Fractured bone involved? 0=no or 1=yes
  • PO2 - Partial oxygen level from blood gases under 60? 0=no or 1=yes
  • PH - pH from blood gas under 7.25? 0=no or 1=yes
  • PCO2 - Partial carbon dioxide level from blood gas over 45? 0=no or 1=yes
  • Bicarbonate - Bicarbonate from blood gas under 18? 0=no or 1=yes
  • Creatinine - Creatinine from blood gas over 2.0? 0=no or 1=yes
  • Consciousness - Level upon arrival: 0=conscious, 1=deep stupor, or 2=coma

Question #4: Filter the ICU data to include only patients whose visit involves an infection. Then, for the “Age” variable, find the mean, standard deviation, and group size (found using the function n()) of patients with and without a previous admission in the prior 6 months. That is, your solution should indicate the total number of patients with and without previous admission, along with each group’s mean age and standard deviation.

Question #5: Considering all ICU patients in these data, use the group_by() and mutate() functions to a sex-specific Z-score for the variable “HeartRate” of each patient. Note: you should be using different means and standard deviations within each sex to calculate this Z-score. If you are unfamiliar with Z-scores, they take the form: \(Z = \tfrac{\text{Value} - \text{Mean}}{\text{Std. Dev}}\)