This lab serves as our introduction to the dplyr (pronounced dee-ply-R) package in R which provides a cohesive framework for working with and manipulating data. Let’s begin by creating a new R code block and copying the code down below. In particular, make note of the fact that we now need to include library(dplyr), along with library(ggplot2), at the top of our documents when we are ready to knit.

Note also that we are using the select() function to keep only a portion of the entire college dataset. This is primarily to make our output easier to look at, but it is not at all necessary.

## Copy and paste the code chunk below into the top of your R Markdown document


## College data
college <- read.csv("")

## For this lab, we don't need all of the columns so we will  
# select only a few of them
college <- select(college, Name, State, Enrollment, Type, 
                  Region, Adm_Rate, ACT_median, Cost, Net_Tuition, 
                  Avg_Fac_Salary, Debt_median)

## Load data from ggplot package


Data manipulation can mean a lot of things. For this lab, we will focus on the four main operations we will be using on standard datasets. These operations are organized around verbs which will correspond to functions within the dplyr package. The verbs for today are:

  1. Filtering – Filtering involves creating subsets of our data according to some criterion. For example, we may be interested in filtering our college dataset to only include private college or colleges located in Iowa
  2. Mutating – Mutating is involved with the creation of new variables in our dataset or the transformation of existing one
  3. Summarizing – Summarizing is used to calculate descriptive statistics
  4. Grouping – Grouping allows us to specify groups of our data for the preceding functions rather than acting upon the entire dataset

The dplyr package contains a suite of functions that accommodate these procedures, often chained together in a sequence of operations, connected with our pipe operator, %>% (Ctrl+Shift+M for PC, Cmd+Shift+M for Mac). For example, if I wanted to find the average cost for public and private schools in Iowa, my code may look something like this:

college %>% filter(State %in% "IA") %>% 
  group_by(Type) %>% 
  summarize(meanCost = mean(Cost))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   Type    meanCost
##   <chr>      <dbl>
## 1 Private   46645.
## 2 Public    21420

Here, we first filter our data to include only schools in Iowa, then we group by the Type variable so that when I summarize my data by finding the mean, I am doing so within each of my defined groups.

Along with some helper functions to facilitate these operations, the main functions we will be using from the dplyr package are as follows:

Verb/Function Meaning
filter pick specific observations (i.e. specific rows)
mutate add new derived columns to a data frame
summarize aggregate many rows into a summary measure
group_by perform subsequent operations separately on the groups created by a categorical variable

Logical Operators

Before beginning with dplyr, it will be helpful to introduce the idea of logical operators. A few common logical operators are described in the table below:

Operator Description
== equal to
!= not equal to
%in% equal to any element in a given vector
< and <= less than (strict) or less than or equal to
> and >= greater than (strict) or greater than or equal to
& and
| or
! not

Subset Logic

Briefly, a logical operator is an operator (like +) that evaluates if a particular statement is TRUE or FALSE and returns those logical values accordingly. Consider a simple case using single scalar values

## Using less than operator
3 < 4
## [1] TRUE
## Equality operator
3 == 4
## [1] FALSE

A common use of logical operators is to evaluate a vector against some condition, determining for which elements of a vector a logical statement is true or false. Consider a vector of length five, using logical operators to determine which values are greater than or equal to 3

## Create a vector with values 1,2,3,4,5
x <- 1:5
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
## Determine for which positions the value in the vector is greater than
## or equal to 3
x >= 3

In this case, the operation returns a logical vector indicating that our statement is TRUE in the third, fourth, and fifth positions. Generally speaking, the length of the logical vector returned with be the same length as the vector on the left hand side.

A very common use of logical vectors is subsetting, whereby we retain only those elements of a vector for which a condition is true. We can do this by either assigning our logical values to a new vector, or by using them directly inside of the brackets, []:

## Create a vector of logical values
lv <- x >= 3

## Use this to subset x
## [1] 3 4 5
## Subset directly
x[x <= 3]
## [1] 1 2 3

Compound Statements and Negation

There are two important ways in which we might want to modify our logical vectors. The first is to negate them, which involves swapping all of the TRUE/FALSE values.

x <- 1:5

## Where is x less than 4
x < 4
## Where is x not less than 4
!(x < 4) 

Sometimes we need to express logical statements that are more complicated than a single logical check. For example, consider a vector with the numbers 1-10 where we want to take all of the numbers between 3 and 7. Typing this directly will result in an error:

x <- 1:10
3 < x < 7
## Error: <text>:2:7: unexpected '<'
## 1: x <- 1:10
## 2: 3 < x <
##          ^

What we need instead is to combine logical statements with a compound operator like &:

x <- 1:10
(3 < x) & (x < 7)
## We can use this to subset
x[(3 < x) & (x < 7)]
## [1] 4 5 6

More complicated logical operations like this are when the negation operator is most useful

## First expression
(3 < x) & (x < 7)
## Negation of expression
!((3 < x) & (x < 7))
## Use the negation to subset the opposite
x[!((3 < x) & (x < 7))]
## [1]  1  2  3  7  8  9 10

Value Matching with %in%

The last operator worth exploring in some more detail is the the value matching operator, %in%. The value operator always asks the question: "what values on my left hand side (LHS) are also included on the right hand side (RHS). This distinction is important in specifying the order that we include things:

## We see that the first and second position of LHS are also in RHS
c("a", "a", "b", "c") %in% c("a", "d", "r")
## We see the first position on LHS is also in RHS
c("a", "d", "r") %in% c("a", "a", "b", "c")

As we will shortly see, keeping this straight will be easier than you might think. One final thing to keep in mind when value matching is that we should never use ==, as it will check position-by-position for equality; this is a common source of error for new R users.

x <- c("kitty", "cat")
y <- c("cat", "kitty")

## Because positions don't align, these will both be false
x == y

Question 1

Copy in the variables below and use logical operators as necessary to answer the questions. When you have finished, verify with somebody near you that your solutions look the same

x <- 1:10
y <- 11:20
z <- seq(10, 100, by = 10)
char1 <- c("apple", "banana", "orange", "kiwi", "kiwi", "grape", 
           "mango", "necatrine", "apple", "tomato")
char2 <- c("grape", "starfruit", "apple", "grape")
  • Create a logical vector indicating where x is less than 7 and y is greater than or equal to 14. Verify correctness by using this logical vector to subset z: it should return the values c(40, 50, 60)

  • Create a logical vector showing all of the values from char2 that are not in char1;

  • Finally, create a logical vector where x is less than 3 OR where the vectors from char1 are included in char2. Use this vector to subset z. It should return c(10, 20, 60, 90).


We now move on to investigating the dplyr functions. ach of the functions we will be working with today takes as its first argument a data frame. Additionally, each of the functions returns a data frame. Because everything will involve a data frame coming in and a data frame going out, we will make of the pipe operator to chain our operations together. As the sequence of our operations becomes more sophisticated, we will find that using the pipe makes the entire sequence much easier to understand.

The first function we will cover is filter(), where we will now have a chance to make use of our logical operators from the previous section. filter() works by subsetting our data according to which observations (rows) satisfy a logical condition. For example, if I wanted to filter my entire college dataset to contain only schools with a median ACT greater than 29, I can do so with a logical operator like this:

act30 <- college %>% filter(ACT_median > 29)

## The head() function allows me to see the first 6 rows of my data
##                    Name State Enrollment    Type      Region Adm_Rate
## 1       Amherst College    MA       1855 Private New England   0.1281
## 2    Bentley University    MA       4177 Private New England   0.4321
## 3 Binghamton University    NY      13990  Public    Mid East   0.3981
## 4        Boston College    MA       9639 Private New England   0.2789
## 5     Boston University    MA      17238 Private New England   0.2209
## 6   Brandeis University    MA       3627 Private New England   0.3115
##   ACT_median  Cost Net_Tuition Avg_Fac_Salary Debt_median
## 1         33 71300       27541         116775       11900
## 2         30 66180       30307         126936       23250
## 3         30 25846        8187          88011       16750
## 4         33 70588       34327         137907       16000
## 5         32 70216       33686         127224       22500
## 6         31 70848       24212         118584       24708

The filter function can take more than one expression if needed, either separated by commas or the logical operator &. Here, we illustrate filtering our dataset to include only those with median ACT of 30 or more and colleges located in Iowa (IA) or Minnesota (MN)

act30_iamn <- college %>% filter(ACT_median > 29, 
                            State %in% c("IA", "MN"))
##                 Name State Enrollment    Type Region Adm_Rate ACT_median  Cost
## 1   Grinnell College    IA       1683 Private Plains   0.2438         32 65814
## 2 Macalester College    MN       2160 Private Plains   0.4124         31 66280
##   Net_Tuition Avg_Fac_Salary Debt_median
## 1       20369         101979       15000
## 2       23225          95607       19432

Notice how the %in% operator is used here: State %in% c("IA", "MN") first considers the variable State and then matches it to each of the values in the vector c("IA", "MN")

Question 2: Filter the college dataset to include only schools located in the Plains and the Great Lakes regions and with enrollments less than 20,000. Using your filtered data, create a two-way table with the variables Region and Type


The purpose of mutating is typically to create new variables out of old ones. For example, our college dataset contains variables for both cost and median debt, and it may be of interest to see for a given school what the typical ratio of debt to cost is

## Use mutate to create new variable
debt_cost <- college %>% 
  mutate(debt_cost_ratio = Debt_median/Cost)

Within the mutate function, we see debt_cost_ratio = Debt_median/Cost; the left hand side of this indicates the new variable name that we are creating, while the right hand side shows us how we created it out of the existing variables Debt_median and Cost. We are often in creating new variables with the intent of analyzing them, which we can do easily with ggplot:

ggplot(debt_cost, aes(debt_cost_ratio, Type)) + 

From this, we see that students at public colleges take a generally much greater proportion of the total cost of college out as debt.

A very common trick in data analysis, and one that we have seen a few times in class, is that of changing a continuous variable into a categorical one. A very useful function for doing so is the ifelse() function. ifelse() takes three arguments:

  1. A logical expression
  2. What to return if TRUE
  3. What to return if FALSE

For example, consider a variable x with the values 1-10 which we may want to assign to one of two groups, depending on its value.

x <- 1:10
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
# If x < 5, return "A", otherwise return "B"
ifelse(x < 5, "A", "B")
##  [1] "A" "A" "A" "A" "B" "B" "B" "B" "B" "B"

This is saying “Everywhere where x is less than 5, return the value ‘A’, otherwise, return the value”B".’

Now consider our college dataset with the variable Adm_Rate, indicating the percentage of applicants that are admitted. This is a continuous variable by default, but we could use it to create a new variable indicating whether or not a school is considered selective:

ia_select <- college %>% 
  filter(State %in% "IA") %>% 
  mutate(Selective = ifelse(Adm_Rate < 0.3, "selective", "not selective"))

# How many selective schools are in Iowa?
with(ia_select, table(Selective))
## Selective
## not selective     selective 
##            24             1

Question 3: Use the mutate() and ifelse() functions to create a new variable called “Size” that has the value “large” if enrollment is greater than 10,000 and “small” if enrollment is less than 10,000. Then, create an appropriate bar chart to determine which region has the greatest proportion of small schools

Question 4: Mutating is also helpful for changing the class of a variable that may be coded numerically but should be treated nonetheless as a categorical. A class that we have not yet formally introduced is that of a factor, which is essentially a categorical variable. This is particular useful, as we will see, when dealing with numerical values. For this question, please do the following:

  1. Using the mpg dataset that is built into ggplot2, create a scatter plot with the variable displ (engine displacement, an indicator of size) on the x-axis and cty (city miles per gallon) on the y-axis. Add cyl (number of cylinders) as a color aesthetic.
  2. Use mutate() to change the variable cyl in the mpg dataset to a factor variable (a variable that is categorical) using cyl = factor(cyl).
  3. Recreate the plot you created in part 1. What change do you see in the plot, and what does that change have to do with the type of variable that is used?


The summarize() function helps us calculate descriptive statistics requiring an aggregation of rows. As a result, we will nearly always end up with fewer rows than with which we begin. For example, I may be interested in a table of quantitative statistics describing the variable “Cost”:

college %>% summarize(meanCost = mean(Cost), 
                      sdCost = sd(Cost), 
                      minCost = min(Cost), 
                      maxCost = max(Cost))
##   meanCost sdCost minCost maxCost
## 1    37129  15251   12223   75735

The general syntax for something like meanCost = mean(Cost) is such that the name of our new variable is on the left hand side, while the function of our original variable “Cost” is on the right hand side. You will also note that the data frame returned contains only the new variables that were created in the summarize() function.

While the summarize() function is useful, it is most frequently used with group_by(), which we illustrate next.


Typically when we are summarizing information in our data frame, we want to do so at a group level. We can indicate that we wish to do this using the group_by() function. The function works in two steps:

  1. First, group_by() determines which categorical variables we wish to use to create groups and creates invisible tags so that other functions know these groups exist. Typically this is one variable, but it can also be several.
  2. Whenever functions from the dplyr package see data that is grouped (typically with the summarize() function), it performs whatever operations it intends to at the group level.

The application of this is straightforward enough. Here, we indicate that we wish to group our college dataset by “Region” and then find the mean cost of attending

college %>% group_by(Region) %>% 
  summarize(meanCost = mean(Cost))
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   Region          meanCost
##   <chr>              <dbl>
## 1 Far West          40409.
## 2 Great Lakes       37403.
## 3 Mid East          43212.
## 4 New England       45682.
## 5 Plains            35810.
## 6 Rocky Mountains   26503.
## 7 South East        32933.
## 8 South West        31289.

All of the functions that we have introduced in this lab form a cohesive framework for interactive data analysis. In particular, there were designed with the philosophy in mind that they should be able to be chained together to succinctly perform some of the most common applications. Consider for example the code below where we

  1. First limit our colleges to those located in Iowa (IA), Missouri (MO), and Minnesota (MN) using filter()
  2. We then compute the debt to cost ratio for each school just as we did before using mutate()
  3. We indicate that we wish to group our data according to both State and Type, which we do with group_by()
  4. Finally, we summarize our data to find the mean and standard deviation of the debt to cost ratio using summarize()
college %>% 
  filter(State %in% c("IA", "MO", "MN")) %>% 
  mutate(debt_cost_ratio = Debt_median / Cost) %>% 
  group_by(State, Type) %>% 
  summarize(mean_dcr = mean(debt_cost_ratio), 
            sd_dcr = sd(debt_cost_ratio))
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## # Groups:   State [3]
##   State Type    mean_dcr sd_dcr
##   <chr> <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 IA    Private    0.399 0.0597
## 2 IA    Public     0.780 0.0967
## 3 MN    Private    0.423 0.0783
## 4 MN    Public     0.673 0.0797
## 5 MO    Private    0.420 0.121 
## 6 MO    Public     0.716 0.0459

Very quickly we are able to see that public schools in Iowa have the largest debt to cost ratio, while private schools in Iowa have the lowest.

Mutate vs Summarize when grouping

It is worth noting an important distinction between mutate() and summarize() when using group_by(), namely:

  • mutate() will always create a new variable with the same number of rows
  • summarize() will always reduce the number of rows to the number of groups. It will also delete any variables that are not a part of the grouping or the summarizing

Consider this toy example to see how the behavior changes between each. We have a group column, specifying group, a val column, specifying a value, and an extra column which is here to be a place holder. This dataset is constructed so that group “A” has a mean value of 5, while group B has a mean value of 50.

df <- data.frame(group = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 4), 
                 val = c(rnorm(4, 5), rnorm(4, 50)), 
                 extra = -1)
##   group     val extra
## 1     A  5.3621    -1
## 2     A  4.9831    -1
## 3     A  5.0323    -1
## 4     A  5.1840    -1
## 5     B 50.5397    -1
## 6     B 48.0755    -1
## 7     B 51.5576    -1
## 8     B 50.5072    -1

If I first group and then mutate, it will add an additional column, returning the mean value for each group

df %>% group_by(group) %>% 
  mutate(meanVal = mean(val))
## # A tibble: 8 × 4
## # Groups:   group [2]
##   group   val extra meanVal
##   <chr> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 A      5.36    -1    5.14
## 2 A      4.98    -1    5.14
## 3 A      5.03    -1    5.14
## 4 A      5.18    -1    5.14
## 5 B     50.5     -1   50.2 
## 6 B     48.1     -1   50.2 
## 7 B     51.6     -1   50.2 
## 8 B     50.5     -1   50.2

Contrast this with the summarize function

df %>% group_by(group) %>% 
  summarize(meanVal = mean(val))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   group meanVal
##   <chr>   <dbl>
## 1 A        5.14
## 2 B       50.2

Here, the “extra” column has been removed, and all of the rows have been reduced down to the number of values in the grouping variable. Both methods have their uses, depending on the context.

Finally, it is useful to be aware of the helper function n() which can be used in side of summarize – this permits us to display the number of observations in our groups in addition to other statistical summaries

college %>% 
  filter(State %in% c("IA", "MO", "MN")) %>% 
  mutate(debt_cost_ratio = Debt_median / Cost) %>% 
  group_by(State, Type) %>% 
  summarize(Count = n()) # helper function
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## # Groups:   State [3]
##   State Type    Count
##   <chr> <chr>   <int>
## 1 IA    Private    22
## 2 IA    Public      3
## 3 MN    Private    16
## 4 MN    Public     10
## 5 MO    Private    18
## 6 MO    Public     10

Question 5: Intensive care units, or ICUs, are primary spaces in hospitals that are reserved for patients in critical condition. The data below is a random sample of n = 200 ICU patients from a research hospital affiliated with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).

icu <- read.csv("")

Descriptions of the relevant variables are indicated below:

  • ID - Patient ID number
  • Status - Patient status: 0=lived or 1=died
  • Age - Patient’s age (in years)
  • Infection - Is infection involved? 0=no or 1=yes
  • Previous - Previous admission to ICU within 6 months? 0=no or 1=yes

Using the icu dataset and the functions described in this lab, complete the following stages:

  1. Change the Previous variable to have values “no” and “yes” instead of 0 and 1
  2. Filter the data to only include patients whose visit involves an infection
  3. For the “Age” variable, find the mean, standard deviation, and group size (found using the function n()) of patients with and without a previous admission to the ICU in the prior 6 months.

Your solution should indicate the total number of patients with and without previous admission, along with each group’s mean age and standard deviation. It will contain two rows and four columns – your final output should look like this:

##   Previous MeanAge  SDAge  N
## 1       no  62.369 17.842 65
## 2      yes  57.000 17.601 19


(This is all FYI and can be safely skipped if you are not interested)

A short bonus section – the output of the summary() function is often something we want to present. We can turn this into an HTML table using a function from the knitr package, which should already be installed on your computer (it is used to knit these documents)

## Load package

## Create summary
tab <- college %>% 
  filter(State %in% c("IA", "MO", "MN")) %>% 
  mutate(debt_cost_ratio = Debt_median / Cost) %>% 
  group_by(State, Type) %>% 
  summarize(Count = n())

State Type Count
IA Private 22
IA Public 3
MN Private 16
MN Public 10
MO Private 18
MO Public 10

You can see other ways to modify this by investigating ?kable (stands for Knit tABLE)

Finally, we can install one additional package that gives us even more options for presenting tables. Copy into your console (not in your rmarkdown document) and remember, this is something you only need to do once:


This package includes the kable_styling() function which includes more formatting options. We use it by piping in a kable


kable(tab) %>% kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, font_size = 30)
State Type Count
IA Private 22
IA Public 3
MN Private 16
MN Public 10
MO Private 18
MO Public 10

You can learn more with ?kable_styling